flange mount bearings DFPM

DFPMR Flansch Gleitlager doppelt rund

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DFPMR Flansch Gleitlager doppelt rund




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    Round (DFPMR) Flange Mount Double Metric Plane Bearings are the ISO Metric double length version of this type of bearing, and is most commonly found in Europe. This flange bearing has a sturdy aluminum body with a Frelon® liner bonded directly to the ID. The flange is located at one end of the bearing. Additional features and benefits include:

    • Available in sizes 8 mm ID to 60 mm ID
    • Static Load Capacities up to 188,000 N (42,200 lb)
    • Standard Shell Material is Anodized Aluminum. 
    • Square Flanges also available.
    • FrelonGOLD® is the standard bearing liner. Frelon J & Frelon W are optional
    • Selbstschmierend für ölfreien Betrieb
    • Wide temperature range:  -240° C/ 204° C (-400° F/ 400° F)
    • Vibrationsdämpfung
    • Custom modifications available – contact an Application Engineer for details

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